Friday 21 May 2010

Over egging the pudding

This whole "new politics" thing is starting to get a little cringeworthy now. As a soundbyte it did its job but it seems like too many people are being taken in by it, believing this is the start of a completely new political way of life.
It isnt. Its a marriage of convenience. If we are lucky it could lead to PR. There is every chance it wont. Whatever it is, it was imposed by political gridlock and financial crisis, not enlightened ideas about how to conduct the affairs of state.
Constantly going on about new politics like it is something tangible, some wonderful new idea conceived by Clegg and Cameron, just shows the Lib Dems (and Tories) to be as beholden to the other kind of PR (public relations) as Labour were. And that is what this whole thing is starting to remind me of: the new deal. What was that again? Some magic, hitherto undiscovered solution to society's ills? No, it was called living on borrowed money. Lets not go on and on about this until it is shown to be something equally vacuuous.
The Lib Dems and in government, in a coalition, with the Conservatives. Lets just see what they can get done and stop banging on about how clever we are, and how much better than Labour. Or we will end up just like them.

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