I copy here a very interesting comment in response to a WSJ article on Egypt. The author is Nikos Retsos, a retired professor:
Egypt’s turmoil is made in America. Here is what I see:
It has been announced in Cairo that the Egyptian army has asked the protesters to quit their protest and go go home. “Your voices were heard,” an army spokesman told demonstrators on Egyptian TV. “Go home now.” And that Egyptian army spokesman just reiterated Barack Obama’s statement to Egyptians earlier, which was “We heard your voices!” Was that a coincidence?
How the Egyptian army, which has promised earlier “it won’t quash the legitimate demands of the Great Egyptian people” became the mouthpiece of Barack Obama, and now tells the Egyptians to forget it? Well, politics have “TWO” phases: The “PUBLIC PHASE” which is usually a deceptive tactic to outmaneuver the enemy, a TROJAN HORSE, so to speak, and the “BEHIND TH SCENES” phase, which is what actually “the maneuver [the Trojan Horse] contains “INSIDE!”
Well, here is what happens in Egypt: Mubarak’s statement that he is leavings in September was a “Trojan Horse” designed by the U.S. and Israel with the same blueprint the Greeks used in Troy. “The Greeks told the Trojans that are leaving -like Mubarak did. And when the Trojans relaxed and let their guard down, the Greeks got out of the horse’s belly, attacked and conquered them!
The American Trojan Horse plan was brought to Egypt by the U.S. Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, whom the U.S. dispatched to Egypt to salvage Mubarak with this plan: Step 1. Convincing the Egyptian army to publicly side with the demonstrators - TO GAIN THEIR TRUST! Step 2. Have Mubarak promise that he will be leaving when his term expires in September, and, until then, he will preside over an orderly transition - probably to pass control of the government to other strong pro-U.S. Egyptian politicians approved by the U.S. Step 3. Have the Egyptian army afterward tell the demonstrators: “Go home now. You have achieved your goals!”
And as the Trojan Horse helped the Greeks to achieve their goal, the American Trojan Horse seems to work for the U.S. and Mumarak by dividing the Egyptians. Will the Egyptians swallow the bait? The involvement of the Egyptian army on this plot to outmaneuver the revolution is quite treacherous, and I hope the Egyptian army will re-think the consequences, and it will have the guts to tell Admiral Mullen: Sorry, Sir. We cannot slaughter out people to save to save “your fetch boy” Mubarak!
Let’s not forget why the U.S. trains and equips foreign armies: TO CONTROL THEM! And it does not do that only with military hardware and training, but also with huge bribes, plus a guarantee of asylum to the U.S. with a hefty U.S. pension if need be. All former pro-U.S. South American dictators, and other military officials who formed “death Squads” with the CIA, are living luxury lives in sunny Florida. And that includes Luis Posada, a terrorist on CIA payroll who blew up a Cuban airliner. But Posada, and anyone killing U.S. foes, is considered a hero. Mubarak has killed hundreds of his people to keep Egypt under U.S. control, and he is a hero of the U.S. Industrial and Military Complex which controls Barack Obama and the US foreign policy. Neither the American people, nor Barack Obama, have control on what the U.S. government does globally. The investment barons and multinational corporations do under the so called “American Interests” which are above political parties and politicians.
The only question that remains in Egypt now is: Will the Egyptian army act like a U.S. puppet army to save Mubarak? Will the Egyptian generals become CIA puppets reminiscent Latin American generals Augusto Pinochet, Anastasio Somoza, Rios Mont, Jorge Videla, Alfredo Stroessner, and Raul Cedras, or the Vietnamese generals Nguyen Van Thieu and Nguyen Van Cao Ky, and slaughter their people to protect American interests? We will see?
The Egyptian people shed their blood now, like the South Americans and the Vietnamese did in the last 50 years to shake off American puppet regimes. And if Obama is not an insidious hypocrite, he owns it to the Egyptian people to call Admiral Mullen in Cairo, and tell him to reverse course and tell the Egyptian army to protects the people, and force Mubarak out - like the Tunisian army chief, General Rachid Ammar did. There is history made in Egypt now. And I hope the Egyptian army follow the example of the Romanian army which relieved Romanians from Nicolae Ceausescu, and of the Tunisian army which relieved the Tunisians from Ben Ali. I hope the Egyptian generals remains on the right side of history, and that side is only inside the spirit of Gamal Abdel Nasser - not inside the American Trojan Horse of Admiral Mullen. The adage: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts [Trojan Horse],” should sound to Egyptians now as “Beware of Americans and Mubarak bearing democracy plans for you.”
Thursday, 3 February 2011
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